RECOVERED: Hawker Hurricane
This aircraft was built in 1940 by Hawker Aircraft Limited, England. Records show that this aircraft took off from North Weald Aerodrome on May 27, 1940 at 13:45 hrs. to reposition to Manston. The pilot, Flt. Lt. R.H.A. “Dicky” Lee, departed Manston for an offensive patrol in P3311 at 15:33 local and was seen shot down at 16:15.
The narrative from page 13 on RAF form 540 states;
The Squadron left for Manston, arriving there at 13:45, & then took off at 15:33 on an offensive patrol to St. Ormer & Ostend. 10 Heinkel 111’s were encountered near Dunkirk, & S/O Knowles shot one down & he & Sgt. Baker together accounted for another (Inconclusive). F/LT Coghlan, P/O Fisher & F/O Ereminsky shot down another HE111 between them & F/Sgt Cooney accounted for another inconclusive. P/O Marscwell was shot down by A.A. & seen to bail out successfully. F/LT Lee came down in the sea but was rescued. Some ME 109’s were also seen and engaged. Sgt. Elliott had returned with oxygen trouble.
The remains of the aircraft were recovered off the beach at Dunkirk and were moved to the London, England area. In 1995 all remaining pieces were shipped to Ft. Collins, Colorado, by Warbird Recovery.
Construction-Tubular metal cross-braced fueslage with fabric covering. All metal wing.
Engine-One 1,030hp Rolls Royce Merlin liquid cooled V12
Armament-Eight .303 Browning wing mounted machine guns with 334 rounds per gun.
Performance-254mph (Sea Level)
Range-425 miles
Length-31ft. 9in.
Height-12ft. 1/2in.
Weight empty-4,982lb
Weight loaded-6,447lb